Contact Improvisation - Somatics - Contemporary Dance

This is a short version of our German website

Welcome on our rollingpoint website!

We invite you to dive into the world of Contact Improvisation, Contemporary Dance and Somatics with us. We operate at the intersection of dance, art, sports, learning and research and bring 25 years of experience to our work. Especially now it is particularly important to us to create open and safe spaces for encounters and enjoyment of life.


Non-German speakers are very welcome.
We will be teaching bilingual German and English.

Overview Coures/Workshops/Jams/Performances

registration form:

Evening courses / study groups

Start Winter semester 2024/25: 23.-26.9.2024

1 mo RELEASZ Contemporary Dance and Somatics - open level
maRia Probst  
start mo 23.9.2024, 18.30 - 20.30
Turnsaal VS Gilgegasse 12, 1090 Wien

2 tue Contact Improvisation Jam
maRia Probst, Christian Apschner and guest teachers
start tue 17.9.2024, 18.00 - 20.30
Turnsaal VS Einsiedlergasse 7, 1050 Wien

3 wed Into the Deep - Contact Improvisation advanced
Christian Apschner
start wed 25.9.2024, 18.00 - 20.40
Turnsaal VS Einsiedlergasse 7, 1050 Wien

4 thu Falling in Love with CI -Contact Improvisation beginner
Christian Apschner
start thu 26.9.2024, 18.15 – 20.30
Turnsaal VS Gilgegasse 12, 1090 Wien

Support for all classes: Ines Ingerle


9.+10.11.2024: Our Organs as Ressource for Dance and Regeneration
with maRia Probst

18.+19.1.2025 Liquid Motion - Contact Flying Skills
with Christian Apschner and support from advanced rollingpoint dancers team


tuesdays 18.00 - 20.40 when schoolday, starting after summer holidays 17.9.2024