
Fotocredits: He Shao Hui

Winter-Intensive 2025: 10.-13.2. und 17.-20.2.2025

week 1: mon - thu 10.- 13.2.2024
RELEASZE Dance / Contact Improvistion light (open level)
with maRia Probst

week 2: mon - thu 17.- 20.2.2024
Contact Improvisation Basic Skills (beginner-intermediate)
with Christian Apschner**

mon and thu (10.2., 13.2., 17.2., 20.2): Turnsaal Gilgegasse 12, 9. Bez.

tue and wed (11.2., 12.2., 18.2., 19.2.): Turnsaal Einsiedlergasse 7, 5. Bez.

18.15 - 20.30h

or via email:

Costs: One week: € 104,- , students < 28a: 72,-
Both weeks € 176,- , students: € 128,-
Bankaccount.: IBAN: AT54 3200 0000 1701 2717, BIC: RLNWATWW, Verein rollingpoint