photocredits: Jakob Fill

rollingpoint video link

The association rollingpoint - “Verein für Contact Improvisation und artverwandte Tanz- und Bewegungsformen [association for Contact Improvisation and related forms of dance and movement]” is headed by maRia Probst and Christian Apschner. It was founded in 2001 by Sabine Fabie, Christian Apschner and Ruth Haslmaier. Its aim is the promotion of Contact Improvisation and related forms of movement from Contemporary Dance to Somatic Movement.

rollingpoint is a place for everyone interested in the advancement of CI and related forms of dance to exchange experiences and establish a network of diverse activities. Focal points of rollingpoint’s work are organizing and directing workshops, research projects, jams and festivals.

A four day workshop with Martin Keogh from the USA made for a felicitous start in November 2001.

Since then semester classes tailored to the needs of people from different movement backgrounds have taken place. Additional intensives over weekends or several days allow to delve deeper into specific topics.

The rollingpoint newsletter informs about the association’s activities at irregular intervals. It points to cooperations and initiatives with aims close to its own in Vienna and Austria.

photocredits: Jakob Fill